He's been very hard to capture on camera, now that he's flying around.
I sat out in back yesterday and today for several hours, as I heard him peeping - after lots of scanning about, I saw him chattering away on a branch.
I saw the big hawk in the same tree
I was appalled to see they were on THE SAME BRANCH! Honestly, you try to get your kids to hang out with the right crowd ...
Honest, I am not making this up. Here's a shot to show you the distance. You can see the hawk. I was sitting in the chair most of the time.
Notice the cat is looking elsewhere... why is he so interested in the side yard? I wondered.
Aha! An Alligator lizard, trapped by Bandit, the cat next door
The Lizard is furious, of course. I've never seen a trapped lizard smile and laugh
But I like lizards, so I rescued him and let him go down the hill, far from the cats
Stopping on the way to watch the busy bees filling my neighbor's garage ceiling with honey and wax.
and to talk with Jack, the smartest dog in the whole world.
and to see if any birds were on the feeders in the other house nearby.
No birds here.
PS I thought the story would end when my hummingbird baby hatched out, but no, he or his momma have become best friends with the big hawk in the eucalyptus tree. I have decided this means I need a new camera, but here are the latest photos...
I heard the hummer chirping, up in the vicinity of the hawk. After some searching through the camera viewfinder, I shot blindly and caught this:
then an even more incredible stop action capture of the hummer. Sorry, I was out at 20X and couldn't get closer
And finally, here's a classic profile of an Anna's hummingbird, in far right corner
I hope you are enjoying this as much as I am.
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